30 million for IeFP and IFTS – Dual System education and training courses

With the DGR n. 119 of 03/14/23, published in the BURC n. 22 of 03/20/23, Regione Campania has programmed the financial resources for a total amount of €30Million for the regional actions already underway for the enhancement of the offer of Vocational Education and Training (IeFP) and Higher Technical Education and Training (IFTS) – within the context of the Dual-System based on the PR Campania FSE+ 2021-2027.

More specifically:

– € 15 million for the enhancement of the offer of Vocational Education and Training (IeFP) based on PR Campania FSE+ 2021-2027, Priority 2 Education and training, specific objective ESO 4.6, line of action 2.f.5

– € 15 million for the enhancement of the offer of Higher Technical Education and Training (IFTS) – Dual System based on the PR Campania FSE+ 2021-2027, Priority 2 Education and training, specific objective ESO 4.6, line of action 2.f .11

The General Directorate for Education, Training, Employment and Youth Policies (DG 11), in concert with the General Directorate for FSE and FSC Management Authorities and the General Directorate for Financial Resources, will proceed with the consequential fulfilments to ensure continuity and stability of the aforementioned interventions already active in Campania to enhance the training offer, meet the training expectations of young people and reduce school and training dropouts.

DGR n. 119 of 14/03/23