Bonus to people with disabilities for the support of family caregivers

Measure n. 8 of the Socio-Economic Plan to counter the socio-economic emergency from Covid-19


Supporting families with people with even minor disabilities by recognizing the role of caregivers


Local social districts of Campania


Persons with ascertained disabilities in accordance with the reference legislation (Law 104/92) even if not serious, minors with disabilities, family caregivers


€ 600.00 one-time non-repayable grant

As part of the Socio-Economic Plan of the Campania Region to deal with the socio-economic emergency resulting from the pandemic from Covid-19, Measure 8 “Bonus for people with disabilities not covered by the non self-sufficient fund” provides for one-off interventions in favor of people with minor disabilities, with priority given to children with disabilities (including autistic ones) of school age.

In this regard, with DD n. 232 -DG 5 of 27/04/20 the public notice financed for a total amount of € 15,364,908.80 was issued, which allocated these resources to the Territorial Areas which, in turn, issue notices on the territories of competence for the disbursement of the one-off € 600 bonus to non-severely disabled people on the basis of the lists drawn up by them.

The bonus in favor of non-severely disabled people was further extended to support family caregivers, that is, those who provide assistance to a disabled person in their family unit who is a beneficiary of the bonus of measure 8.

The resources, for a total amount of over € 30 million, are drawn from the POR Campania ESF 2014-2020, Axis II, Specific Objective 9, Investment priority 9.IV, Action 9.3.6.

Opportunity sheet

Caregiver lines of action

Financial endowment

€ 30.505.936

so split:

€ 15.364.908,80 to the notice

€ 12.000.000 to support caregivers

Below the notices as published by local social districts grouped by province: