Digital changes. Remodeling of the economic framework Project ID 11

With the DD n. 127 – DG 10 of 04/04/23, published in the BURC n. 27 of 11/04/23, Regione Campania approved the remodulation of the values of the spending plan of the project “ID 11 ITS BARSANTI – WEDO Robotics at the service of integration”, of which intervention 2 is financed with resources from the POR Campania ESF 2014-2020.

The Call was financed for a total amount of € 4,250,000 from the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 and the POR Campania FSE 2014-2020, Axis 3, Specific Objective 14, Action 10.4.2

DD n. 127 – DG 10 of 04/04/23
DD n. 127 – Att. A
DD n. 127 – Att. B
DD n. 127 – Project sheet artt. 26/27