Programming 2021-2027. The Regional Strategic Guidance Document adopted

With the Regional Council Resolution n. 489 of 12/11/2020 the “Regional Strategic Guidance Document” was adopted for the 2021/2027 programming period.

The Document represents the unitary programmatic framework of reference for the identification of the intervention priorities of the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and for the construction of Operational Programs based on ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and EMFF funds as well as complementary and national programs.

The document was prepared by the Planning Group, as referred in DGR 44/2020, and shared with the involved economic, social and administrative parties.

DGR n. 489 del 12/11/2020
DGR n. 489 – Attachment: Documento Regionale di Indirizzo Strategico – 2021-2027 programming period

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