Notice for projects to support elderly and people with disabilities and for the redevelopment of sports facilities

With DD n. 255 – DG 1 of 09/18/2023, published on BURC n. 67 of 09/18/2023, Regione Campania published the public notice for the implementation of projects aimed at promoting health prevention through sport, redevelopment and the infrastructural and technological improvement of sports facilities.
With an investment of 27 million from the resources of the PR Campania FSE+ 2021-2027 and the PR Campania FESR 2021-2027, the Region finances the multifunctional social centers referred to in Regional Regulation no. 4/2014 and local public bodies for the activation of projects in two lines of intervention:
– line A for projects of aggregation, socialization and improvement of the physical, cultural and social conditions of elderly people and people with disabilities through free participation in courses, workshops, events, activities, also and above all of a sporting nature;
– line B for redevelopment and infrastructural and technological improvement projects of existing sports facilities to improve accessibility and usability for the elderly and disabled.
The project proposals must be received within 60 days starting from 20 September 2023 as provided for in the Notice.

Notice sheet (italian only)