Women – Festival of women’s health and well-being

The fourth edition of the Women’s Health and Wellbeing Festival ended on Sunday 8 October. It took place at the Diaz roundabout on the Naples seafront and was inaugurated on Monday 2 October in the presence of the vice-president of Regione Campania Fulvio Bonavitacola.
Free medical visits and screenings in a large village complete with a field hospital, which was the setting for a series of sporting events and solidarity initiatives.

The pedestrian area was animated by a very rich program with numerous sporting activities dedicated to school groups. Also a space for four-legged friends, solidarity events and much more together with numerous testimonials and authorities who took turns during the prevention week.
In the large field hospital built close to the sea, over one hundred doctors and experts from the Federico II University coordinated by Professor Annamaria Colao carried out free specialist check-ups dedicated to cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gynaecology, nutrition, osteoporosis, orthopedics, breastology to anyone interested.

Also this year Regione Campania supported the event through the resources of the PR Campania ESF+ 2021-2027 and was at the event with an institutional stand where it was possible to obtain information on the new ESF+ Program and the main funded projects.