IeFP – Dual System Years 2021-2024. Fulfillments

With the DD n. 416 – DG 11 of 08/05/22, Regione Campania has regulated the start-up of activities for vocational education and training courses (IeFP) for the school years 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024.
Among the indications provided for in the aforementioned Executive Decree, there is the request for the transmission of the lists of students (for a minimum number of 15) by and no later than 12 noon on 10 October 2022. The Decree is aimed at the eligible and eligible subjects provided for by the DD n. 7/2022 and 328/2022.
The measure is financed from the funds of the POR Campania ESF 2014-2020 Axis III, Specific Objective 12, Action 10.1.7

DD n. 416 – DG 11 of 05/08/22
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