Scuola Viva in Quartiere Programme. Postponement of the closure deadlines for actions 1 and 3

With the DD n. 163 – DG 11 of 10/03/23, published on the BURC n. 22 of 03/20/23, Regione Campania approved the postponement of the deadline for closing the activities relating to Actions 1 and 3 of the “Scuola Viva in Quartiere” Program to 07/31/23.

The beneficiaries shall upload and validate, on the SURF monitoring platform, the administrative-accounting documentation of the expenses incurred with the resources already disbursed as an advance (down payment/balance) by 09/30/2023.

The public notice “Scuola Viva in Quartiere” was issued with the DD n. 926 – DG 11 of 29/08/19.

DD n. 163 – DG 11 of 10/03/23