Voucher for access to nursery schools – Extension of the deadline for refund requests

With DD no. 17 – DG 5 of 31/01/23, published in the BURC n. 11 of 6/2/23, Regione Campania has extended to 28/02/2023 the deadline for the presentation of reimbursement requests relating to fees paid in the period September-December 2022 by subjects admitted to use the voucher, as indicated to art. 10 of the public notice approved with DD n. 330 of 09/23/2022  “Voucher for access to nursery schools intended for families with ISEE requirements for the reduction of the fee”.
Any further information, relating to the procedures for submitting reimbursement requests, will be provided on the digital service website “https://servizi-digitali.regione.campania.it/VoucherAsili“.

The Notice is issued as part of the measures envisaged by the Campania Region in the 2022 Socio-Economic Plan, a package of extraordinary measures for a total value of €400 million in favor of households and businesses to deal with the price increase through specific support for citizens and businesses in Campania.

The measure is financed under the PR Campania FSE+ 2021/2027 Specific objective k, action 3.k.2.

DD n. 17 – DG 5 of 31/01/23

Opportunity sheet